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The first hair transplant
  • Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are removed from one part of the body, most often the back of the head, and then transplanted to bald or thinning areas.The first hair transplant was performed in France in 1968. The technique was developed by a French dermatologist named Dr. Pierre Chassang.Hair transplants can be done on men or women but they are more common among men because male pattern baldness is more common than female pattern baldness.
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  • Hair transplants can be done on men or women but they are more common among men because male pattern baldness is more common than female pattern baldness.
    The process of hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which the hair follicles are removed from the back and sides of the head, where there is a good supply, and then transplanted to the bald or thinning areas.
    The Extraction Phase:
    - The surgeon uses clippers to remove a strip of hair from the back of your head. This strip is about an inch wide and as long as needed for surgery.
    - The surgeon removes your old hair with clippers and shaves off any excess skin on your scalp.
    - The surgeon creates tiny incisions in your scalp with scissors or a scalpel that are just large enough for each graft.
    - A small slit is made at the base of each incision so that individual hairs can be pulled out one by one.
    - The grafts are then inserted into these slits, one by one, until they reach their final destination on your scalp.
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